
Jenkins Blog

Are you preparing an estate plan? Nolo has resources to help. The Nolo database contains hundreds of full text publications and thousands of legal forms written in plain English for the everyday user. Nolo’s Estate Planning collection, located in the Wills & Estate Planning category, includes...
If you are a solo attorney, a small business owner, or perhaps representing yourself in a legal matter, the resources in the Nolo Legal Information Reference Center were written with you in mind. Nolo’s mission is to “help consumers and small businesses find answers to their everyday legal and...
Are you looking to familiarize yourself with legal issues surrounding property and real estate? If so, check out the Nolo database. Nolo publications are great resources for those who want a basic introduction to a topic without getting bogged down with legal terminology. The “Property and Real...
Are you or your clients planning for retirement? Nolo can help. The Nolo database contains hundreds of full text publications and thousands of legal forms written in plain-English. Their Social Security & Retirement collection, found in the Money & Financial Planning category, includes...
Are you new to managing employees? Nolo , one of Jenkins' member databases, has several publications that may help. Titles include Create Your Own Employee Handbook , Dealing with Problem Employees , Employer's Legal Handbook , Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws , Manager's Legal Handbook...
Need a basic introduction on special needs trusts? Check out Nolo's Special Needs Trusts 7th by Urbatsch and Fuller. According to Nolo , this title "shows you how to provide for a loved one with a disability -- without jeopardizing government benefits." It includes chapters on "Who Can Benefit from...
Use the Nolo database to begin research in an unfamiliar area of law.
Find Nolo titles on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration online for Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.