
Women on the Bench in Pennsylvania


March is National Women's History Month. In honor of this event, the Pennsylvania Courts have published an excellent infographic, Women on the Bench in Pennsylvania, that highlights the role of women in the Pennsylvania judiciary. It shows that 37% of the active judges in the state are women, which is a 7% increase from last year. In fact, the majority of the judges serving on the Superior and Commonwealth Courts are women. Although the percentages are slightly lower on the Common Pleas level (36% are women), 15 women serve as president judges. The infographic also draws attention to some of the women who were trailblazers in the Pennsylvania Courts, such as the Hon.  Anne X. Alpern, the first woman to serve on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and the Hon. Juanita Kidd Stout, the first elected African American female judge in the nation and the first African American woman to serve on any state supreme court.

Women on the Bench in Pennsylvania can be found on the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania's website in Media Resources. A high resolution version is available for downloading.