
Section 8 and Unlawful Discrimination in Philadelphia

A recent study found that 67% of Philadelphia landlords refuse to accept Housing Choice Vouchers, often referred to as "Section 8". The rejection rate is even higher in neighborhoods with low poverty rates. This practice is prohibited under the Philadelphia Fair Practices Ordinance, which forbids discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations.

Come to this one-hour CLE to learn about the rights afforded to low-income renters under the Fair Practices Ordinance, the remedies available to people who believe they have been victims of unlawful discrimination, and the obligations of landlords to comply with the ordinance.

Jenkins Law Library, an accredited provider under the Pennsylvania CLE Board's Rules, will serve as the CLE provider for this course. The course has been approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.0 hour of CLE credit in substantive law, practice and procedure.

This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 1.0 hour of total CLE credit.