
General OneFile's Topic Finder Feature

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General OneFile is a great resource to use when looking for non-legal news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics, including business, economics, education, health care, science, technology, and many more. The Topic Finder feature is a great way to explore how different subjects may intersect.

The Topic Finder takes the titles, subjects, and approximately the first 100 words from a subset of the top results and inputs them into an algorithm to create a graphic representation of the keywords found most often in the text of your search term.

Find the Topic Finder on the General OneFile search page:

Conduct a keyword search for a visual representation of how your search is discussed in a variety of contexts.

The results can be visualized in two different ways: in a tile format (which is the default view):

or in a wheel format:

Some topics can be broken down into subtopics. For example, a search for banana returns the topic "Research", which can be further narrowed to the subtopics "Banana Flour Market", "Biotech Week", "COVID-19 Impact", "Genomics", "Nairobi, Kenya", and more.

Click on a tile or the topic wheel to narrow your original search results to include only those that also include that topic or subtopic.

General OneFile is a member database available to all Jenkins members.

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